Hearts for the community

Bringing infrastructural, technological and personal development to rural communities through environmentally friendly projects that help the inhabitants of these local areas and their surroundings

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Clean water Accessibility

Universal access to safe drinking water is a fundamental need and human right. 2 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water at home. Billions of people will lack access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene in 2030 unless progress quadruples. BAWASH is trying to solve this problem in it's one little way

Infrastructural Development

Sustainable and quality infrastructure plays a crucial role in society and economy. We are working on building our community to be sustainable even in the aspect of infrastructure

Agricultural Technology

Agriculture being the main source of survival for rural communities, we strive to include technology in the agricultural domain in a bit to reduce labor and cost, and increase output

How we Work


Identify A problem

We look at the community and identify challenges faced by inhabitants and the environment


Create Awareness

We create awareness in the community and internationally about these challenges and brainstorm on a way forward to fix these.


Work on Solution

We work on bringing a sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to these problems with help from the community inhabitants, local and international bodies.

Our Mission.

To develop and implement creative community-based strategies to enhance economic opportunity, build sustainable communities, and ensure a dynamic framework for quality growth and development (both personal and collective).

Our Motto.

Water is life

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